For those who don't know, MST stands for Mystery Science Theatre. It is a television show about a guy and some robots who are stuck on a satellite and are forced to watch bad movies. Throughout the movie, they make quite a few humourous and sarcastic comments. In the fanfiction sense, a MST occurs when someone (in this case, me) takes a (usually) bad 'fic and puts comments throughout it. The comments can be made using the original MST characters, anime/manga/other characters, or made-up ones. Think of it as another form of comments and critisism ^_-

For my MSTs, I am essentially using the voices in my head. I have never named them, nor have they ever named themselves. Hence, I just refer to them as A-ko, B-ko, C-ko and D-ko. No, I've never seen Project A-ko, I actually borrowed the idea from the Shadow Play Girls in Revolutionary Girl Utena.

I don't go in for the introductions that some MSTs do, I just start the story. At the end, there will be a brief critique to illustrate exactly why I (we?) found the story to be bad. Also, please be aware that most of these MSTs are of Sailor Moon lemons, so if you are uncomfortable reading adult material, please go somewhere else. Muchas gracias.

.: Zoisite's Birthday Surprise :.

.: Zoisite is Kidnapped :.

More to come later.

.: home :.