
This site was created by writing all HTML by hand in Notepad and plugging it into Tripod's FreeForm editor. Graphics were made by me, either from scratch, or by editing a screen-shot/manga scan. Images used for graphics were obtained from the following sources:

      Stayka's Dark Kingdom Home
      Alpin's Sailor Moon Archive
      grep* Sailor Moon

The images were either open to use, or I contacted the owner before taking them. Since I put quite a bit of time and effort into the graphics and layouts, I would appreciate it if you didn't use them. This goes double for my fanart. Although I may not own the characters, I do own the drawings. If you want to use an image for something, please contact me first. I am generally a very easy-going and agreeable person, and I just ask for some confermation before hand.

The graphics (not fanart) were created/edited using Corel Photopaint v.8 and accomplished on a relatively new Dell Dimension computer. Fanart utilized multiple mediums (mostly the ever-popular Prismacolor coloured pencils) and scanned in with a Visioneer OneTouch 7600 USB scanner.

Inspiration for this site comes from a lot of sources. You know who you are ^_^

.: home :.